The Federation of American Hospitals calls on Congress to act swiftly to provide the necessary resources for hospitals to meet the challenge of COVID-19 for our patients.
Policy recommendations and supplementary funding requests sent to leaders in Congress highlight at least an estimated $225 billion in aid needed by hospitals.
FAH President and CEO Chip Kahn put this crisis in perspective and outlined the consequences of inaction:
“In my 40+ years in health policy, I have never seen a threat to patient care like the COVID-19. Congress must give hospitals a backstop NOW to ensure caregivers will be available for this challenge.”
“This threat cannot be overstated. The costs of COVID-19 to the entire health care system – medically and financially – will be staggering. The truth is the care will not be there without Congress ensuring hospitals are properly funded. It’s never been more important that policymakers take bold action NOW to assure care and save lives.”
Key policy recommendations include: $90 billion in bi-weekly supplemental payments to offset significant cashflow concerns; a $100 billion hospital loan backstop program; and other policies to ensure patient access to and coverage for COVID-19 care, protect health care workers, and provide immediate financial support to hospitals during this pandemic.
To learn more about the actions Congress can take to make sure hospitals can serve patients during these unprecedented times, click the links below.