Media Center

“Mission Critical” – FAH Leader Reacts to Senate Finance Bipartisan Health Care Policy Markup 

FAH President and CEO Chip Kahn released the following statement after the Senate Finance Bipartisan Health Care Policy Markup 

“Protecting and expanding patients’ access to care is mission critical and that is exactly what the Better Mental Health Care, Lower-Cost Drugs, and Extenders Act does. We applaud Senate Finance Committee leadership for pursuing bipartisan policies that will extend vital Medicare and Medicaid services bolstering access to mental health care. 

“Hopefully in further discussion Senators will decide not to pursue so-called ‘site neutral’ policies. This is no time for hospital cuts particularly for struggling hospitals serving rural America. This ‘one-size-fits-all’ policy will ultimately threaten service resulting in limits on access to care for seniors and others who are better served receiving necessary care in the hospital.  

“We look forward to working with lawmakers on the important legislation reported from the Senate Finance Committee as it moves through the process.”