FAH Hospital Policy Blog

Perspectives on health policy affecting America's hospitals and the patients we serve.

Quality & Safety | HCAHPS Survey | FAH Policy Blog Team

In the News – FAH’s Study on Modernizing the HCAHPS Patient Experience Survey

Last week, FAH and four major hospital associations rolled out a study on modernizing the HCAHPS patient experience survey. The report, Modernizing the HCAHPS Survey: Recommendations from Patient Experience Leaders, found that response rates to the HCAHPS survey are falling and could be improved by updating the questions and implementing an online modality.

The new report was covered in major publications and as FAH President and CEO Chip Kahn says, the HCAHPS survey is “in need of a serious update. Care in hospitals is vastly different than 13 years ago.”

In Case You Missed It…

Modern Healthcare’s article detailed the study’s recommendations for “major changes to the survey including adding an electronic version, shortening the length, changing questions and re-evaluating the survey every few years. The recommendations were based on feedback from patient experience leaders at 27 hospitals and health systems nationally.”

Becker’s Hospital Review created a Five Things to Know post about the HCAHPS study, saying “the HCAHPS survey must be modernized to better reflect changes in care delivery, healthcare technology and patient expectations.”

Healthcare Dive’s brief, Hospital Groups Propose Overhaul to Patient Satisfaction Survey, noted Chip Kahn’s urge for modernization, saying, “HCAHPS has a great track record, but it has not been closely looked at in more than a decade.”

Patient Engagement HIT said that “the time is ripe for the medical industry to overhaul the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Processes and Systems (HCAHPS) survey” in their article.


For more information on the study, including the report, key findings and recommendations click here.

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