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FAH Statement | FAH Policy Blog Team

ICYMI: FAH Statement on Medicare Buy-in Legislation

FAH President and CEO Chip Kahn released a statement yesterday following the introduction of legislation that would allow people over 50 to buy into Medicare.


National media took note of FAH’s comment, stating the Federation “came out swinging” against the one size fits all plan.


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Washington Examiner’s article “Democrats seeking Obamacare fix before ‘Medicare for all’ roll out 'Medicare at 50’” highlighted Kahn’s statement emphasizing the importance of Medicare, saying it “works for seniors and others who depend on it. But expanding the program with hospitals facing the lowest Medicare margins in history will make it more difficult to provide the critical care that all Americans expect and deserve.”

Politico Pulse, a daily newsletter, said the Federation “came out swinging” against the Medicare buy-in bill. The article “Push for Medicare buy-in picks up with '50 and over' bill” published on Politico’s website said FAH warned against the financial pressure on hospitals that serve large Medicare populations.


Modern Healthcare highlighted Kahn’s statement in “Medicare buy-in at 50 leads way for Democratic public-option proposals,” focusing on his plan for next steps, saying Congress should work to “sustain and expand affordable private coverage.”


Bloomberg Government included FAH President and CEO’s statement in “‘Medicare for More’ Campaign Kicks Off With Buy-In Legislation.” Bloomberg’s coverage included that expansion would hurt those currently in Medicare. “Instead of focusing on Medicare buy-ins and other variations of single-payer proposals, Congress should work to sustain and expand affordable private coverage,” Chip Kahn, president and chief executive officer of the Federation of American Hospitals, said in a statement. “Medicare should be left alone to continue its successful mission of making sure seniors have access to care.”


Yahoo Finance’s article “Senators introduce bill to allow people to buy into Medicare at age 50” also called attention to FAH’s opposition by acknowledging that it would weaken coverage for Americans already enrolled in Medicare.


FAH Leader Chip Kahn’s statement was also included in:


ThinkProgress: Major hospital lobbying group comes out against 'Medicare at 50' bill


Splint: A Preview of the Bloody Uphill Battle for Single-Payer


Money and Markets: Moderate Dems Shift Gear From Far Left’s Single-Payer to ‘Medicare for More’


WPRI: Reed, Whitehouse want Medicare coverage offered to 50-year-olds