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Happy Birthday Medicare and Medicaid

With the swipe of his pen 56 years ago, President Lyndon B. Johnson changed the trajectory of health care in our nation. He signed the law that would become the basis of the Medicare and Medicaid programs.

As we celebrate the anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid on July 30th, the programs are at the height of their popularity with support across the political spectrum.

In fact, in the most recent polling, a majority of Democrats (85%), independents (76%), and Republicans (65%) view Medicaid favorably, while views on Medicare have stayed steady.

The Federation of American Hospitals commends the Medicaid and Medicare programs for improving the health care and well-being of millions of Americans for almost six decades. What started as hospital and medical insurance has since grown to meet the evolving health care needs of people across the country adding prescription benefits and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). The Affordable Care Act (ACA) aimed to expand Medicaid and has currently done so in 39 states, with Oklahoma joining this year.

The coronavirus pandemic and subsequent public health emergency make it clear that Medicaid and Medicare are lifelines for Americans across the country. These programs are vital to the health and well-being of millions of families and FAH is committed to protecting them now and in the future.

Fun Fact: CMS’s headquarters is actually not in Washington, DC, but instead outside Baltimore, Maryland.