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FAH Statement | Chip Kahn

FAH Supports Bipartisan Nurse WIN Act

“Loan repayment incentives can provide new nursing graduates the freedom to choose the communities they think they can serve best. In many areas grappling with staffing shortages, it’s a struggle to attract critically needed nurses. It is essential that nurses have a level playing field to take advantage of much deserved federal loan repayment incentives to serve any qualified critical shortage facility.

“The Federation applauds the bipartisan leadership of Sens. Todd Young (R-IN) and Doug Jones (D-AL) to expand eligibility for this vital program to assure that all nurses have a fair shot at serving patients in the communities with critical nursing shortages.  The Nurse WIN Act will provide an important lifeline for patients, communities and the new nurses that choose to serve them.”

You can find FAH’s letter supporting the Nurse WIN Act by clicking here.