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FAH Praises Senate Extension of Medicare Sequester Moratorium

WASHINGTON –  FAH President and CEO Chip Kahn released the following statement after the Senate passed legislation to extend the moratorium on the 2% Medicare sequester through 2021:

“Despite advances in vaccinations and slowing rates of COVID-19, the pandemic has not ended. This pandemic has stressed our frontline caregivers and stretched our hospitals to the brink. That is why the lifeline extended to health care clinicians and providers by the Senate today is essential to assuring care for both COVID and non-COVID patients alike.

“With the extension of the moratorium on the 2% Medicare sequester for the remainder of 2021, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) have displayed exceptional leadership in shepherding this important mitigation through the Senate with a resounding bipartisan vote. They are worthy a deep praise for this action as are Sens. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Susan Collins (R-ME) whose proposal to stop the cuts assumed a key role in the successful passage of this legislation. 

“We now urge the House to act quickly and pass this legislation upon its return next month before these cuts to clinicians and providers are reinstated.  

“Extending the 2% Medicare sequester moratorium is a key piece of the puzzle to ensure clinicians and hospitals have the critical resources to care for their patients and defeat this virus.”

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