FAH Hospital Policy Blog

Perspectives on health policy affecting America's hospitals and the patients we serve.

FAH Policy Blog Team

FAH Leader Named DC Health Care “Power Player” by Business Insider

Business Insider just released its first-ever list of DC health care power players and it includes FAH President and CEO Chip Kahn.

As the website states, “this list features people making and shaping healthcare legislation and regulation in DC, from K Street to the Capitol and beyond. The 34 people on the list, hail from both sides of the political aisle, and include doctors, lawyers, CEOs, and lobbyists. These individuals have made significant contributions to healthcare policy, which affects every American.”

Here is how the article described why Chip made this prestigious list:

Chip Kahn is the president and CEO of the Federation of American Hospitals, which represents more than 1,000 for-profit hospitals and health systems. Kahn has led the organization since 2001.

Kahn previously worked for a health-insurance industry group and as a congressional staffer for committees specializing in health legislation.

In 2015, he authored a report in Health Affairs examining the effects of three Medicare pay-for-performance programs that sparked a discussion on value-based treatment programs for hospitals and physicians. Last year, The Hill named Kahn one of Washington's top lobbyists for the 18th year in a row, according to his profile on FAH's website.

Business Insider said it decided to put together the Health Care Power Players list because the issue is taking center stage in the upcoming presidential election. Additionally, editors said the need to understand who shapes US health care policies has become increasingly important to its readers.

Click here to see who else made the list.