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FAH Statement | ACA/Coverage | Chip Kahn

FAH Leader Comments on Ways and Means’ Hearing on “Pathways to Universal Health Coverage”

Federation of American Hospitals President and CEO Chip Kahn issued the following statement on the House Ways and Means Committee’s hearing entitled “Pathways to Universal Health Coverage”:

“It is no time to reject the ACA for the untested. ACA health care coverage has meant the difference between life and death for millions. We should build on the ACA to make it truly universal so that all Americans can have coverage now. We urge the House Ways and Means Committee not to waver from the ACA and instead focus on how to make it all it can be for all Americans.

“Efforts to replace the ACA and the private employer coverage millions depend on today is just wrong. It is no time to impose a one-size-fits-all program such as Medicare for All, a public option or Medicare buy-in that will lead to Americans paying more and waiting longer for worse care.”