WASHINGTON – FAH President and CEO Chip Kahn released the following statement after reviewing the bipartisan, bicameral No Surprises Act:
“It is time to put to rest surprise billing concerns for patients. The bipartisan effort in the House and Senate to protect patients from surprise medical billing has made significant progress in recent days.
“We appreciate the advances on this legislation which removes surprises for patients by defining and limiting their cost sharing, allows for payment disputes between payers and providers to be settled reasonably, and does not impose unnecessary, arbitrary rate setting. The legislation needs further improvement to assure it is operationally practical and does not add undue burden, and we appreciate the openness of policymakers taking the time to assess useful changes.
“No legislative measure is perfect, but the winners here – most importantly – are patients.
“We look forward to continuing a productive dialogue with Congress as policymakers work to ensure these critically important protections for our patients become law, hopefully this year.”
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