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FAH Leader: Biden’s Vaccination Plan Demonstrates “Presidential Leadership”

FAH President and CEO Chip Kahn released the following statement after President-elect Joe Biden unveiled his COVID-19 vaccination plan:

“It will take presidential leadership to defeat COVID-19, and President-elect Biden is demonstrating that leadership with his vaccination plan.

“Hospitals have been on the front line of the COVID-19 fight, as well as providing vaccines to caregivers and other vulnerable Americans. Hospitals are caring for the severely ill victims of this virus, but to truly eradicate it we must move vaccinating to a higher plane.

“The key to getting more shots in arms is a broad-based community level effort spearheaded by the federal government. President-elect Biden is developing the necessary strategy to achieve that goal. Only when the lion’s share of Americans are vaccinated will we be free of this virus and back on track.”