FAH Hospital Policy Blog

Perspectives on health policy affecting America's hospitals and the patients we serve.

FAH Policy Blog Team

Dose of Facts: Will We Hear the Truth about Medicare for All at Today’s Hearing?

This morning Congress will hold it’s first ever hearing on the topic of Medicare for All. 

A wide range of witnesses are scheduled to testify before the Rules Committee this morning, but the big question remains – will we get real answers about the devastating effects Medicare for All would have on families across the country?

Before lawmakers entertain the idea of forcing patients into an untested system that will disrupt care for every American, here are some of the facts we hope they will address today:

Hospitals have long been committed to assuring that everyone has access to high quality, affordable health coverage, but Medicare for All or a Public Option aren’t the ways to accomplish that goal. We hope that after the facts come out at today’s hearing – lawmakers will agree.