FAH Hospital Policy Blog

Perspectives on health policy affecting America's hospitals and the patients we serve.

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FAH Outlines Priorities in Letter to Congress on Funding Package

In a letter to Congressional leadership, FAH outlined their priorities and recommendations as Congress continues to negotiate appropriations for fiscal year 2024. The two continuing resolution funding packages, most likely to be pushed to early March, are poised to contain multiple “riders” including health care policies from the menu of priorities under consideration. FAH urges Congress to:

• Reject Site-Neutral Cuts to Medicare
• Delay Implementation of Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Cuts

As Congress looks beyond government funding negotiations, there are several health care priorities that need to be addressed to ensure patients have continued access to 24/7 hospital care. FAH encourages Congress to consider the following legislation before the end of 2024:

• Rein in Abuses of Prior Authorization in Medicare Advantage (MA) Plans
• Extend the Medicare Dependent Hospital (MDH) and Low Volume Hospital (LVH) Adjustment Payment Programs to Support Rural Hospitals

Read letter here.