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FAH Statement | ACA/Coverage | Chip Kahn

FAH Leader Comments on Release of President’s Budget

FAH President and CEO Chip Kahn released the following statement about President Biden’s FY 2025 Budget:

“The President’s budget lays out important goals for increasing access to affordable health care coverage, essential hospital care, and mental health care, and we look forward to working with the Biden Administration and Congress on helping patients access the care they deserve. 

“We think it is particularly important to support efforts to cement and build on this year’s record-breaking success of 21.3 million people signing up for coverage through the Affordable Care Act exchanges by making enhanced subsidies permanent. 

“Unfortunately, the Administration is considering actions that threaten access to care for patients – especially those in rural and underserved areas – who frequently depend on telemedicine and other critically important services.  This is no time to cut the hospitals and health systems providing 24/7 access to critical services that cannot be accessed elsewhere.”