Managed Care

FAH Statement | Managed Care | FAH Policy Blog Team

“The report puts an exclamation point on what we’ve been saying for a long time” – FAH President and CEO Responds to New Senate Investigations Report

Today, the Senate Homeland Security Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations released a report showing the nation’s three largest Medicare Advantage insurers all significantly increased the rate at which they denied seniors’ post-acute care from 2020 to […]

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Telehealth | Managed Care | FAH Policy Blog Team

“A Step Backward for Patient Care” – FAH Opposes Legislative Proposals That Undermine Patient Choice, Reduce Access to Care, and Increase the Cost of Coverage

FAH submitted a statement for the record in advance of the House Education and Workforce Committee markup today underscoring the Federation’s opposition to the Healthy Competition for Better Care Act, the Transparent Telehealth Bills Act, and the CRA […]

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