In a letter to Congressional leadership, FAH highlights its focus on building a healthy economy by protecting everyday Americans from increasing health care costs and cuts to care
Today, the Federation of American Hospitals (FAH) sent a letter to Capitol Hill leadership outlining its focus for the 119th Congress to work hand in hand with lawmakers to build a healthy economy by protecting hardworking Americans from increasing health costs, preventing health cuts to seniors, children, and vulnerable families – particularly in rural America – and lifting burdensome regulations to help businesses of all sizes thrive.
FAH Executive Vice President of Public Affairs Charlene MacDonald released the following statement:
“A strong and healthy America requires pro-growth policies that support families and businesses alike. The 119th Congress has an opportunity to protect hardworking American families, seniors, and entrepreneurs from losses in health coverage, steep premium increases and diminished health care access, and FAH stands ready to work with lawmakers to ensure taxpaying hospitals can continue our mission of providing all patients with 24/7 care.”
Specifically, FAH outlined the following priorities in its letter:
- Prevent Cuts to Medicare & Medicaid and Protect Patient Access to Care
- Capitalize on Tax Reform by Protecting Health Coverage & Extending Enhanced Tax Credits
- Strengthen and Support Rural Health Care
- Rein in Abuses of Prior Authorization in Medicare Advantage Plans
- Lift Regulatory Burdens and Unleash Private Sector Innovation
Read the full letter here.