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FAH Leader Outlines Negative Impact ‘Site-Neutral’ Policies Will Have on Patient Care and Hospitals

New Blog Released in Response to Upcoming E&C Hearing on Health Care Costs

FAH President and CEO Chip Kahn released a statement and a blog in response to the upcoming House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee hearing on health care costs where several bills addressing so-called ‘site-neutral’ payments are expected to be discussed:

“Health care is more nuanced than catch phrases and bumper sticker slogans. Medicare ‘site-neutral’ payment may fit on a bumper sticker but this ‘one-size-fits-all’ policy won’t ensure seniors get the right care at the right time in the right setting. The fact is paying for services based on a one-size-fits-all scheme would have a devastating effect on access to hospital care that Medicare beneficiaries and all Americans depend on. This is no time for Medicare cuts under the guise of payment reforms, especially considering the pressures hospitals face today to sustain quality service, and even keep their doors open.

“We are releasing this blog before the Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee legislative hearing to explain why site-neutral payment policies are ill-conceived and would have unintended consequences for patient care. It is essential that there is a recognition that one-size-fits-all payment ignores the fundamental differences in roles hospital outpatient departments and physician offices play for their patients and the communities they serve.”

Click here to read the blog entitled “What’s In A Name? Because There Is Nothing Neutral about Site-Neutral Policy”