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FAH Statement | FAH Policy Blog Team

“A tireless champion for patients” – Steve Speil Awarded Mike Bromberg Lifetime Achievement Award

(Washington, D.C.) – The Federation of American Hospitals (FAH) announced today that Executive Vice President of Policy Steve Speil will retire after a distinguished career in health care spanning more than four decades, including 27 years at FAH, effective January 1st, 2025. To honor his outstanding career and dedicated service to FAH and its members, the Federation awarded Mr. Speil the Mike Bromberg Lifetime Achievement Award, named after FAH’s longtime leader and former Board of Directors Vice-Chair.

FAH President and CEO Chip Kahn released the following statement on Mr. Speil’s retirement:

“For 27 years, Steve has been a tireless champion for patients, our member hospitals, and the broader hospital community. Steve’s analytical skills and encyclopedic level of knowledge are known throughout the industry and have solidified him as one of the best policy minds in Washington. His contributions have left an indelible mark on most major health care achievements out of Washington over the past three decades, including initiatives related to Medicare hospital payment, expanded health care coverage, wage index reform, reporting uncompensated care, and the physician-owned hospital ban, among others.

“To honor Steve’s remarkable career and leadership, it is fitting that the Federation of American Hospitals Board of Directors awarded him the Mike Bromberg Lifetime Achievement Award. Steve’s commitment to championing patients and hospitals embodies the spirit of our organization, and reflects the ideals and qualities of Mike Bromberg, who similarly left his mark on our industry. I am grateful for Steve’s friendship, dedication, and service. I wish him all the best as he explores new endeavors during retirement and spends more time with his beloved family.”

Read the proclamation awarding Mr. Speil the Mike Bromberg Lifetime Achievement Award here.

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