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FAH Statement | ACA/Coverage | FAH Policy Blog Team

FAH Supports Health Care Affordability Act to Extend Enhanced Tax Credits and Protect Affordable Health Coverage

FAH Executive Vice President of Public Affairs Charlene MacDonald released the following statement in support of the Health Care Affordability Act, jointly introduced today by Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Representative Lauren Underwood (D-IL), that extends enhanced tax credits permanently and ensures millions of Americans can continue to rely on affordable, quality health coverage.

“Our hospitals deliver 24/7 care to every patient that comes through their doors – and these patients deserve access to high quality, affordable health coverage. If Congress fails to extend the enhanced tax credits, millions of American patients will see their premiums skyrocket or lose coverage completely. FAH is grateful for Senator Shaheen and Representative Underwood’s leadership, and we’ll continue urging Congress to act and protect patients’ access to affordable coverage.”

In 2021, Congress enacted the enhanced tax credits for Americans who purchase health coverage on their own, and Congress extended them in 2022. Since then, more than 9 million additional people have gained coverage through the individual health insurance marketplace, and, as a result, fewer enrollees are delaying or forgoing medical care. Additionally, patients saved about $700 on their premiums in 2024 because of the enhanced tax credits. Without Congressional action the enhanced tax credits are set to expire at the end of 2025, and if they do millions of hard-working Americans could see their premiums increase by more than 50% and more than 5 million people will lose health coverage entirely. The Health Care Affordability Act extends the enhanced tax credits permanently.

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